Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 81

The weekend came and went. It was another movie marathon weekend. My cousin and I are (over the course of the year) going to attempt covering as many as we can from the IMDB top 250 list. I mean a lot of them don't interest us at all, so we're likely to skip them, but lets see how far we go. This weekends list was  Immortals (slightly rubbish, but liked the 'renaissance painting' genre), Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (totally entertaining!), Pulp Fiction (didn't quite get why it was no.4 on the IMDB list, but I guess for 1994, Quentin Tarantino took commendable risk) and then off to the cinema to see The Wolverine which I enjoyed a lot more than I expected to. 

I've been missing baking this week. I went through so many of my old food pictures and blog posts. Came up with a list of non-oven desserts that are possible to make here. Chocolate and coffee mousse seemed like a good one to start with. I improvised a lot to the recipes I read and unfortunately it didn't set like I hoped, so froze it and had mousse ice-cream. I have now found a Julia Child mousse recipe which has the same ingredients, but different process and proportions which I will try out the next time I want to perfect this.

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